Abs, Water, Squats, Oh My!

I once saw a clever quote about weight gain, It stated, ” No I’m not pregnant, I’m just in grad school.” This statement was so hilarious to me. Mainly because I could relate on more levels than one. At the time, I was in Grad school, and as far as my weight, well, let’s just keep it light and say I put on a few. I am a stress eater and found myself under a tremendous amount of stress. I placed myself under a lot of pressure as far as school was concerned, my family and I relocated from the east coast to the west coast, and I started a new job. Needless to say, I was stressed to capacity. Now that school was over, and I finally had time to look at myself in the mirror, the side effects of stress were becoming obvious to me. My hair was dry, I was frazzled, my skin was breaking out, and my waist was, well, expanding. Summer is right around the corner, so I knew I had to do something fast. I decided to do the military diet. The Military Diet is a diet I participated in a few times before and was successful in weight loss. The Military Diet is the perfect diet to kick off your weight loss journey, mainly because you can lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days, and up to 40 pounds in one month. It doesn’t hurt that you get to have ice cream as well. Do not get me wrong, it’s tough as nails to complete, but totally worth it.
I was inspired to do the gallon of water a day challenge after seeing some before and after pics online. I have always had a love-hate relationship with water. Like, I love its benefits, but I hate drinking it. In all seriousness, all of our human organs need a certain amount of water to function properly. The average human loses about 10 cups of water a day just by breathing, sweating, and eliminating waste. Seriously folks, we owe it to our bodies.
The abs so tightly right challenge is awesome too. What I love most about this challenge is not only how it tightens your core, but also the fact that it slowly progresses you until you can manage 150 crunches. Same goes for the squat challenge though in my opinion the squat challenge it tougher.
In an attempt to get my health and fitness back on track, I had the bright idea to try all 4 of these challenges together. Check out my video explaining my plan, goal, and expected results.
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