Hello Loves! Did you miss this week’s #FashionLoversFriday? This past Friday we revisited some of our favorite styles. Participants chose which revisited style was their favorite, and the results are in. This is the style that received the most likes. A huge thank you to all of my Loves who participated.

This fashion set features: Rag And Bone Fleet Chiffon Tank Top, Balmain’s signature biker jeans, Etro’s Spring ’15 runway Burt orange beaded suede sandals. Accessories in this set include Tod’s Stella Bauletto Mini leather tote bag, Emporio Armani rhinestone necklace, Chan Luu blue mix charm wrap bracelet, Ippolita Wonderland cluster ring, and Love Chole fragrance. Feel free to shop this style below. Can’t wait to see what style will feature on next week’s #FashionLoversFriday! Join in Fridays on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram. Search #FashionLoversFriday, or #LydiaEveryday, and like your favorite style.
p.s. if you leave a comment it might feature on our next #FashionLoversFriday recap.
Don’t forget to like share and subscribe loves!
DISCLOSURE: I may be an affiliate for the products I recommend. If you like the products I mention, and purchase those items through the links I have provided, I will earn a commission. However, you will not pay more by buying a product through my links. As a matter of fact, in some cases my links may offer you a cheaper price. I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this post are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. for more details visit:http://www.lydiaeveryday.com/termsdis…
Have you ever spent, what feels like an eternity, standing in the middle of a skin care aisle feeling overwhelmed by the selection of skin care products? Better yet, have you spent unspeakable amounts of money purchasing product after product, only to feel completely defeated and frustrated when none of them work? Well, my Love, you are not alone. I have been right there, in that very same situation. My skin care woes only subsided when I gained a better understanding of my specific skin type, and what products work with it and against it. In this post, I am going to share with you the five basic skin types, and how to choose the right skin care products for your skin type.
Before we jump into the different types of skin care products lets talk skin type. There are five main skin types. These skin types include normal skin, combination skin, oily skin, dry skin, and sensitive skin. The look and feel of the normal skin are smooth with even pigmentation. Normal skin is blemish free and does not appear oily or dry. There are some of us who are lucky enough to have normal skin. Unfortunately, I am not one of them, and realistically not many of us are. Oily skin appears feels greasy and looks shiny. Most of the time large pores are associated with oily skin. With large pore can also come blackheads and pimples. This skin type in common in teenagers and young adults. Dry skin, on the other hand, can appear thin, flaky, and sometimes even scaly. Dry skin appears thin due to its lack of elasticity. This skin type is common in those of us who are more mature in age. Those of us with sensitive skin tend to have overactive skin glad that respond to irritants, fragrances, and allergens. Sensitive skin can appear blemished, blotchy, and or reddened. If you haven’t guessed already, combination skin is a combination of these skin types. If you are like me and have combination skin, you will notice an oily section on you face, dry sections on your face, and sections on your face that are more sensitive than others. Skin types can also change. Factors that can cause skin to change include, diet, hormones, climate, and the use of skin care products.
Now that we have a better understanding of the five different skin types, we can discuss the best skin care products for each skin type. Oily skin types need skin care product to remove excess oil, deep clean pores, as well as shrink pores. Most foaming cleansers are formulated for dry skin. Dry skin types want to use products that are hydrating such as cream cleansers, and moisturizing cleansers. Sensitive skin types need to use products that are mild and fragrance-free. Combination skin types can be a little bit trickier. Those with combination skin should evaluate what areas of the skin should be treated as oily, and what areas are dry. My skin, for example, is oily on the nose and cheeks, and dry on the forehead. I chose a non foaming cleanser for sensitive, and acne prone skin. This way I can deep clean my pores, prevent blackheads and pimples while being careful not to dry out or irritate my skin.
I would encourage you to take the time to get to know your skin. The best time to do this is in the morning. Right after you wake up, look closely in the mirror. Does your skin appear flaky and thin? If so you have dry skin. Does it appear shiny and greasy? If so you have oily skin. Is it oily in some areas, or dry in some areas? If so you have combination skin. Or does your skin appear smooth, even, and blemish free. If so you are a super lucky mythical creature celebrity with normal skin, and we are all jealous. Lol!
This skincare recommender is an amazing tool to assist you in choosing the perfect skin care for your skin type. Try it out!
I hope you found this post helpful, and informative Loves. In later posts, I will discuss my skin care regimen in further detail, as well as why I can’t go without my Clarisonic.
Don’t forget to like share and subscribe Loves!
DISCLOSURE: I may be an affiliate for the products I recommend. If you like the products I mention, and purchase those items through the links I have provided, I will earn a commission. However, you will not pay more by buying a product through my links. As a matter of fact, in some cases my links may offer you a cheaper price. I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this post are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. for more details visit: http://www.lydiaeveryday.com/termsdisclosures/
Style setters love Fashion Lovers Friday! Find style inspiration. Join me Fridays on Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter, where I share some of my favorite fashion looks. Like and share using #LydiaEveryday and #FashionLoversFriday. Last week’s Fashion Lovers Friday featured a look on model Ash Foo, and styled by Patrick Mackie, for Vogue China August 2015. Everything about this look is sleek and bold. Ash Foo owns this sexy style, featuring bold makeup, matched with a leopard print top. This ‘Sensuous Colour’ look is accented with black leather and fur. Nothing screams confident like glossy red lips, and red nails. I just love her long dark wavy hair too! Live honey! Join me every Friday for more fashion inspiration.
Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe Loves!
DISCLOSURE: I may be an affiliate for the products I recommend. If you like the products I mention, and purchase those items through the links I have provided, I will earn a commission. However, you will not pay more by buying a product through my links. As a matter of fact, in some cases my links may offer you a cheaper price. I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this post are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. for more details visit: http://www.lydiaeveryday.com/termsdisclosures/